Magnetic Stop Smoking Aid: Does it Really Work?
There are quite a few different options out there today when it comes to an effective stop smoking aid, and one of the most recent developments is that of the magnetic stop smoking aid. This is a very unique idea, and one that any smoker looking to quit should be interested in and at least find out more about.
The Details
The magnetic stop smoking aid is truly incredible in the way that it works. The magnetic stop smoking aid features two specially designed bio-magnets that are worn on the upper ear, the gentle yet precise pressure that is created by these magnetic aids stimulate specific nerve points in the ear.
The magnetic stop smoking aid device is worn on the left ear of the smoker, and it needs to be worn at least two hours a day to offer the smoker full results. Keep in mind that, just as with any other stop smoking aid, you are going to need to make sure that you give it time to start working.
You cannot expect this device, or any other stop smoking method to be completely effective right away. You need to give any stop smoking aid at least a couple of weeks so that your body can adjust and you can see full results.
Does it work? Well, that depends on who you ask. Those selling the magnetic products claim fantastic results. Other more skeptical sources recommend you save your money and try a more effective method to quit smoking.
You will need to talk to your doctor if you are interested in using the magnetic stop smoking aid. The first thing that they will do is run down a list of questions so they can determine whether this or any other stop smoking aid is going to be suitable for you. They want you to have success and quit smoking once and for all.
There are various other options available as well if you try the magnetic idea and it does not work, such as the hypnosis to quit smoking for instance. This is also a relatively newer technique, and hypnosis should not be feared. It gets a bad rap because of how it is portrayed in the media, but it is completely safe and extremely effective.
If you are struggling to quit smoking, hypnosis just may be the way for you. It is an inexpensive way to reach your goal and be smoke free for once and for all. The best thing about hypnosis is that there are no pills or magic potions to take, and usually you will be rid of your habit in as little as a single session.