Tag Archives: cigarette smoke chemicals
Cigarette Smoke Chemicals: What is in a Cigarette?
Anyone who smokes should be aware of what cigarette smoke chemicals are in each cigarette. After all, they are filling their body with these chemicals each and every day. When people learn about what smoking that first cigarette can lead to, being addicted, where you find that you have to get these cigarette smoke chemicals every day otherwise you get withdrawal symptoms, it is pretty astounding why anyone would want to start smoking in the first place. There are lots … Continue reading →
What Are The Most Common Smoking Health Effects?
The most common smoking health effect is breathing problems. Smokers tend to develop an assortment of respiratory diseases including bronchitis, pneumonia and even emphysema. Not all smokers will develop these problems, however. I suspect there is a genetic component that makes some people more susceptible to these problems Bronchitis is a disease where excess mucus in the lungs causes a person to be unable to properly absorb oxygen. This causes constant coughing. Emphysema, also called “lung rot,” is a degenerative … Continue reading →
Cigarette Smoke Odor: Why it is so Gross
A lot of people, and especially non-smokers, wonder why the smoking effect is so strong and why the cigarette smoke odor is so potent and gross. Strange how smokers don’t really notice it… but non-smokers are repelled. I had an experience a few years ago when I was a heavy smoker and was selling some used camera equipment on eBay. All went fine until I had a complaint from somebody that had purchased a lens that they could smell the … Continue reading →
How to Deal With Cigarette Smoke Smell in the Home
Maybe you have just moved into a home and the past owners were smokers, or you just live with someone who smokes, but whatever the case, if you are not a smoker yourself then of course you can smell the cigarette smoke smell around the house. It is the cigarette smoke chemicals that are absorbed into fabric and the walls when a person is smoking and it can be very hard to deal with. Smokers are typically not able to … Continue reading →
Are e-cigs safer than cigarettes?
With the increasing use of e-cigs, the question for many is, “Are e-cigs safer than cigarettes?” With over 4,000 chemicals, including 43 carcinogenic compounds, cigarette smoking has been taking a back seat to e-cigs lately. However, after accounting for what could be hiding in eLiquid — the fluid responsible for the nicotine solution and flavoring found in e-cigs, many questions still abound. The majority of eLiquids contain water, nicotine, flavorings, and a base. Since this liquid is not regulated by … Continue reading →
Find Out How to Stop Smoking Forever
Millions of people quit smoking every year. Millions more try, but fail. What makes the difference? You can learn how to stop smoking forever, and there are loads of resources available to help you learn about the decision to quit, then stay committed to the decision until you have successfully conquered your urge to smoke. Just as there are lots of different reasons to smoke, there are lots of different ways to quit smoking, depending on your needs and temperament. … Continue reading →