To quit smoking is an unpleasant experience however you look at it.
You will have to deal with cravings, withdrawal symptoms, resisting the smoking habit, and will need to change your lifestyle completely. To help you with your goal to quit smoking here is our top-10 quit smoking tips to help you stop smoking.
- Set up a stop date a few weeks in advance.
This will give you some time to prepare yourself for the changes you’re about to begin and will allow you to start some medical treatment. When the projected day arrives… stop smoking at once on that day. Reducing the number for the cigarettes you are having per day is not good enough if your goal is to stop smoking completely. - On your stop smoking day, throw away all your cigarettes.
Throw your cigarettes in the toilet. You won’t be reaching in there for a smoke when the first craving comes. This may sound simple but it’s very important. Besides denying you easy access to cigarettes it will also have a huge psychological impact on you. Actually, you’ll want to get rid of all of the smoking stuff – put the ashtrays and the lighters in the attic or just throw them in the garbage bin. It will also be helpful if you clean your home thoroughly to chase away the cigarette smell. - Change your daily routine and lifestyle.
Avoid places and situations that would prompt you to light up a cigarette. For example if you normally light up your first cigarette with your morning coffee, replace that coffee with herbal tea. Smoking has deep roots in most of your daily activities and lifestyle habits. Revising them will help you cope with the craving stress and will eventually make the smoking temptation disappear. It’s also a good idea to avoid smoky areas such as pubs and night clubs during your first several weeks of quitting and even to stop going out with your friends that still smoke. - Get stop smoking aids after consulting with your doctor.
Many people turn to medication in order to stop the craving for a cigarette. Go see your doctor and discuss some of the products that can help you in the smoking cessation process. He will be able to advise you about the best medical and herbal products and their dosage.Nicotine patches or gums may help in the smoking cessation process and relieve the withdrawal symptoms.The Federal Drug Administration has approved several nicotine-free drugs that have recently hit the market that replace the body’s desire for nicotine, thus breaking the cycle of addiction. There are also anti-smoking vaccines that are on the market. Essentially, the vaccine sends a virus through the body of the smoker which overtakes the desire for nicotine and gradually phases it out.
Do not underestimate the power of these products – quitting cold turkey may sound easy but it is not.
- Start saving the money that you used to spend on cigarettes.
You will quickly discover that you have put aside enough to reward yourself and to buy something nice for yourself. - Participate in regular sport activities.
You might start with long walks, buy a bicycle and cycle to your work or just for fun, rollerblade, or go swimming. Any physical activity is good and you’ll want to pick the ones that best suit your personality. Physical activity will not only help improve your appearance but it will help your body detox and reduce both the cravings and the cessation symptoms. - Change your eating habits.
Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, and drink a lot of liquids. A more healthy diet will both prevent you from gaining weight and also help reduce the withdrawal symptoms. - Ask your family and friends to be supportive.
The first week after you quit smoking will be the toughest. You will likely be nervous and irritable so it is vital that they understand your behavior and help you through it. You may experience severe emotional outbursts, be depressed, and even irrational.For some attempting to quit smoking, a group of people is all they need to help. Having the support and confidence of family and friends is often enough to drive a person to stop smoking, and there are several groups outside of the family that offer this type of moral support. An ex-smoker can be a credible source and highly supportive with the person trying to quit. They know what smoking was like and how much better life can be as an ex-smoker and can share that knowledge.People can join support groups either online or in their communities and accomplish goals together using the resources and techniques shared within the group. Many people report great results when they attempt to accomplish a goal with friends. This is why several support groups and “stop-smoking aids” appeal to the connection between human beings to advertise their product or their terms of advice. Moral support and peer opinion is a common motivator in human behavior trends.
- Devise a reward scheme.
Many people use smoking as a reward scheme – something they do after a business meeting where they close a deal, to celebrate a success or to pamper themselves after a failure. Replace the cigarette rewards with something else. Use the money saved on cigarettes to buy yourself something. You can also reward yourself for short-term successes. For example “if I don’t smoke for three weeks I will buy …” You can promise yourself a big prize if you manage not to smoke for three months – something like a vacation in Italy or a trip to an exotic place. You’ll be amazed at how powerful such a reward plan can be when applied to your smoking cessation plan. - Be patient with yourself and believe that you can do it.
Your will and dedication will help you stop smoking more than any other therapy or medications. Smoking is 70% mind and only 30% body. There is a natural evolutionary process from smoker to ex-smoker. After the first two weeks the urges are no longer physical withdrawal effects, but rather are reactions to a psychological trigger. For the first time you’re experiencing a situation without a cigarette, but the urge will pass and you’ll know how to face future experiences with no discomfort.