You’ve heard about the harmful effects of tobacco and the cost, both from buying the products themselves, and in related healthcare expenses. In fact, many people who smoke wish they could stop.
So… why don’t more people just quit? That’s one of the most pernicious qualities of tobacco: it creates real, physiological changes in the body, and when the body is deprived of the chemicals in tobacco, there are some unpleasant physical and emotional consequences.
To make things even more difficult, many people derive real emotional pleasure with smoking, making giving up extremely difficult. Nicotine is, after all, a drug, and kicking a drug that has gotten hold of you is very tough.
But the good news for smokers is that there are lots of resources and information available that can help you quit, once you make that all-important decision. If you really want to know how to quit smoking forever, keep reading.
Willpower Is Important
The first step in learning how to quit smoking is the act of making that decision for yourself. No amount of nagging, threats, bribes, or any other outside coercion can compare to the smoker’s own willpower to quit smoking. Many events can cause a smoker to want to know how to stop smoking, including the smoking-related illness or death of a close friend or family member, the birth of a child, or the simple desire for a healthier lifestyle. However you get there, though, one thing is sure: you won’t find out how to stop smoking until you really want to stop.
Where to Get Information
Finding out about how to quit smoking is easier than ever, thanks to the number of interested and informed organizations out there. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Centers for Disease Control website ( has loads of helpful ideas about how to stop smoking or to help someone that you care about. This includes information about counseling, FDA-approved drug therapies, and other strategies.
In addition, the government group Smokefree has a website (, sponsored in partnership with the Centers for Disease Control, the National Cancer Institute, the National Institutes of Health, and the Department of Health and Human Services, with quality resources and information for smokers or loved ones of smokers who want to quit.
Sometimes, just knowing you’re not alone is a huge help.