Women Smokers Are Different From Men Smokers
Why Women Smoke
Research shows that women start smoking and quit smoking for different reasons than men do. Some women smokers do so only to control their weight. However, the truth is that it does not control weight as much as people think. Close emotional bonding with other women is another reason why women smoke. If her close friend smokes, then so will she. Quitting will make her feel distant and isolated. The third reason women smoke is their cycle. Feeling low and irritable during their cycle makes them smoke all the more. Quitting at this period of the month is not a good idea.
Women Suffer More From Smoking
Women who smoke regularly tend to suffer more than men do. Research shows that women loose 15 years of their lives because of smoking whereas men loose only 13 years. This deadly habit is shared by 45% of women all over the world. Due to the tobacco industry’s direct marketing to women, their sales have increased. The number of women who die from lung cancer has also increased.
Lung cancer is one of the main causes of deaths in women. Today, more women die from lung cancer than breast cancer, ovarian cancer and uterine cancer combined. Almost 75,000 women died last year in the US alone due to lung cancer.
Deadly Health Problems
Other deadly problem that women suffer due to smoking is a higher risk of heart attacks. Women are more prone to death from a first heart attack, especially those women who take birth-control pills. Smoking also increases the risk of other cancers like ovarian cancer, uterine cancer, oral/mouth cancer, bladder cancer, rectal cancer and breast cancer. Women may also suffer from emphysema, colorectal polyps, osteoporosis and early menopause. Still childbirths, miscarriages and infertility can cause further stress.
Smoking also leads to tension and stress in a woman’s family life. Not only do their parents or spouse suffer from their habit, but the kids also face trauma at an early age. Pregnant women may give birth to children who have birth defects or suffer from asthma, chronic ear infection and sleeping disorders. Women also face cosmetic ill effects from smoking. Bad breath, yellow-stained nails, fingers and teeth are an unpleasant sight. The skin loses its shine and looks dull due to excessive smoking.
Nicotine, as the world’s most addictive drug, makes it hard for women to quit smoking. A fear of weight gain from quitting is another major reason why women are hesitant to take this step. A woman who quits smoking takes the right step towards not just a healthy body but also a healthy and fulfilled family life.