Dealing With A Long Smoking History
A smoking history can be a hard thing to deal with if you are trying to quit. We always see those few people who are able to quit seemingly with no problems but that is not the way it happens for everyone. Unfortunately this is a very serious and addictive habit and it is usually quite difficult to kick the habit. For the casual smokers it may not be so hard because they just smoke here and there and are not addicted smokers.
If you smoke more than two cigarettes a day and need to have one when you get the craving, you are addicted. Your body has gotten used to having the nicotine and if you miss a smoke here or there you will feel the cravings that you start to get. For the most part, the longer a person has been smoking the longer it will take them to get over the habit. There are a few routes you could choose to take if you have decided that you want to quit smoking for once and for all.
Going cold turkey is the best way you can do it because statistics prove that people who quit cold turkey are less likely to start up smoking again afterwards. You do not have to feel bad if you want to skip the cold turkey idea and get some help with kicking the habit. Joining a support group is a great way to get started. It will make you feel good to know there are so many other people out there just like you who are going through this same struggle with you.
You will have all those people there to support you in your times of need. Or you may want to start going to therapy sessions where it is the same sort of idea, because you will have someone there who will listen to you and help you relieve your stress. A lot of people rely on stop smoking aids to help them get through this, such as the stop smoking gum or the nicotine patch. Stop smoking products like the nicotine patch or the stop smoking gum will help to slowly decrease the level of nicotine in your body until you are off of it completely.