Acupuncture Quit Smoking Therapy
Acupuncture quit smoking therapy is a preferred way for many trying to quit smoking.
It is based on the traditional Chinese acupuncture practices known from ancient times. Acupuncture means the application of metallic needles on specific points of a human’s body. It is believed that each point or a combination of points to correspond to certain body organs of systems thus the human physiology is affected through acupuncture.
Nowadays acupuncture to stop smoking is a widely used practice that (according most who have tried it) gives very positive results. The acupuncture quit smoking therapy is an alternative smoking cessation method. It does not include the use of any medications and that is why many people with specific medical conditions prefer it.
What are the pros, cons and the things you should look for if interested in the acupuncture quit smoking method?
Pros and Cons of acupuncture quit smoking therapy.
Acupuncture is a non-medical treatment way that does not include any use if chemical or herbal medications. It helps though stimulation of specific body points (usually situated on the ears and the face). The feeling is not painful and most people find it relaxing. The result is reduced cravings and cessation symptoms relief.
Unfortunately acupuncture quit smoking method does not give very satisfactory results. Although some patients feel significant improvement in their condition, the rate of the unsuccessful treatments is quite high. Some people combine acupuncture sessions with hypnosis as these two methods improves cessation outcomes.
What you should look for if planning to undergo acupuncture quit smoking treatment.
Ask your doctor for the best acupuncture specialists in your area; do not just go to the first address that you will find in the newspaper ads. It is necessary that you attend a specialist who is experienced in smoking cessation treatment. Try to find a well know and establishes acupuncture quit smoking clinic so that you are comfortable with the service provided.
Ask for testimonials from previous customers when you go to the clinic. Make sure what your treatment will include as the options vary – some clinics may offer you single session while other can offer you a package of services including initial medical exam, a number of sessions depending on your conditions, and a follow up treatment.
Modern alternatives of the acupuncture quit smoking treatment.
An alternative of acupuncture stop smoking systems is laser treatment. It works on the same principle as acupuncture: specific points of your body are stimulated with the use of a low-level laser. The difference is that instead of needles low-level lasers are used. For some people the laser treatment is the preferred way because there is no breach of skin while in acupuncture the needles are pinned into the skin that can result into irritations and infections. Another significant difference is that the results that the laser treatment gives are much more positive than the traditional acupuncture.