A Seven Day Stop Smoking Plan
The stop smoking process can be terrible especially if you have decided to quit smoking cold turkey. In fact, even if you are using some quit smoking medications, the cessation process can be very annoying. That is why we have out together a brief stop smoking plan to help you during your first ex-smoker week.
Well, all lifetime decisions start on Monday, right?. If this is the Monday that you have decided to get rid of cigarettes then do so. Begin by throwing away all your cigarette supplies even the hidden ones. It is necessary that your home is cigarette free. If you’ve got some smokes stashed away somewhere, the temptation to grab them will stifle your chances for quitting. Get rid of the cigarette smoke smell as well – clean all the ashtrays, wash all your clothes. Dry-clean your window treatments and carpets as well.
It is time to get some help. The cravings will be terrible and it will be hard to resist. Keep in mind that only the first days are that unpleasant so just hold on to your decision. Ask your physician what quit smoking products you can use. The stop smoking patch has proven to be very helpful for many people. In addition, get support from your friends and family. If you feel it is right for you, find yourself an ex-smokers support group and sign yourself up.
Some consider the third day crucial in any stop smoking plan. This is the day most stop smoking efforts are defeated by the strong desire to light up a cigarette, “Just one and I will go no…” cigarette. Find something to keep you occupied during all of your spare time. If necessary, ask for more work at your office or help a friend with something. It is vital to keep both your hands and mind busy all the time. If a craving strikes, take a deep breath and count to ten, it will go away.
Surprisingly you will find out that the cravings are reduced and with less intensity. This is a sign that your stop smoking plan is going well. The good news it that if you manage to survive without a cigarette for the first 3-4 days you will feel a drastic improvement in respect of cravings intensity and withdrawal symptoms. This is due to the active quit smoking detox processes that are going on. What it also means is that you should not ruin it in any circumstances. It is a good day to start going to the gym or attend some dance or yoga classes. Physical activities will not only keep you busy but they will help your body clean from cigarette toxins.
Keep the good non-smoker behavior going. You have almost survived the week and if you really do, you can be sure the next weeks will be much easier. It will be good to start a vitamin rich diet. Vitamins are good for you as they will help your body recover from smoking but they will also help the cessation symptoms. Moreover, it is likely to feel your appetite reviving so fresh vegetables and fruits can be nice substitute for other calorie rich foods.
The weekend
Avoid your regular weekend activities such as a night out in a club. Spending the weekend in a nicotine free environment will help your stop smoking plan. Perhaps you can arrange a short out-of-city vacation with your non-smoker friends.
Monday again…
If you’ve made it this far without smoking… CONGRATULATIONS! You are well on your way to beating this habit forever. Keep doing the things above. You’ll notice your cravings have begun to subside and it’s becoming much easier to saying “no” to smoking. Will the temptation to light up every totally quit? No. You’ll still have those temptations crop up for years to come, but you now have the willpower to say no to them.