Cigarette Smoke Odor: Why it is so Gross
A lot of people, and especially non-smokers, wonder why the smoking effect is so strong and why the cigarette smoke odor is so potent and gross. Strange how smokers don’t really notice it… but non-smokers are repelled.
I had an experience a few years ago when I was a heavy smoker and was selling some used camera equipment on eBay. All went fine until I had a complaint from somebody that had purchased a lens that they could smell the cigarette smoke. Just the residual left on the lens was enough to turn off that non-smoker.
Beyond the smoking odors, if you were to take a look at the over four thousand different chemicals that are in cigarette smoke, it would not take long to realize just why cigarettes are so deadly and dangerous and why you should avoid them.
While there is not enough room to discuss all four thousand or more chemicals in cigarette smoke here, there are a few in particular that you will want to learn more about. For one, one of the chemicals that is in cigarettes and which causes cigarette smoke odor is formaldehyde.
This is the same chemical that is used to preserve dead bodies and which is found in every single cigarette, for pretty much the same reason, to keep the cigarettes fresh. This is one of the main reasons that cigarette smoke odor is so bad and why you should avoid not only smoking yourself, but being around other people who smoke.
Another of the chemicals that is found in cigarettes and which goes to explain cigarette smoke odor is ammonia. This is typically used in toilet cleaner, which is just another reason that makes you wonder why anyone would ever want to put a cigarette in their mouth. This is a chemical that is actually used as a flavoring in cigarettes if you can believe it, and which frees the nicotine from tobacco and turns it into a gas.
How to Quit
Those are just two of the over four thousand chemicals that result in cigarette smoke odor, so of course if you are not a smoker now good for you and you should make sure that you never start, and if you are a smoker, then you should definitely take that next step and quit now. There are stop great stop smoking aids out there, but after learning about this, you should just be able to quit cold turkey.
No matter what route you decide to take, know that the first few days are always going to be the hardest. Once you get over those first few days the nicotine is going to start getting out of your body and then within a week or two you are going to find that you hardly have any cravings at all but it may take longer if you have been smoking most of your life.