Find Out How to Stop Smoking Forever
Millions of people quit smoking every year. Millions more try, but fail.
What makes the difference?
You can learn how to stop smoking forever, and there are loads of resources available to help you learn about the decision to quit, then stay committed to the decision until you have successfully conquered your urge to smoke. Just as there are lots of different reasons to smoke, there are lots of different ways to quit smoking, depending on your needs and temperament.
Online, you can find out how to stop smoking cold turkey (suddenly, without “tapering off”), and how you can use chemical aids, counseling, and self-help therapy to control your urge to light up. If you’re really serious about learning how to stop smoking forever, there are many people, places, resources, and sources of information to give you the knowledge and help you need to make your decision stick.
Why Is It Hard to Stop?
One important step in learning how to stop smoking forever is simply understanding the physiological and emotional barriers to smoking cessation.
Researchers believe that nicotine, which easily crosses the blood-brain barrier, chemically stimulates the pleasure/reward centers of the brain, producing feelings of calm, relaxation, and alertness. In certain dosages, nicotine acts as a stimulant, and in others, as a sedative. Thus, smokers can use nicotine both when they want to focus and have energy, and also when they want to relax.
For this and other reasons, nicotine is a highly addictive substance, even though it is ingested in relatively small quantities through tobacco smoke (higher quantities are actually absorbed when using “smokeless” tobaccos which are dipped or chewed).
If you want to know how to stop smoking forever, it’s important to know what you’ll be up against.
You Need Support!
Because of the physical and emotional factors mentioned above, smokers need friends and family members who also want to learn how to help them stop smoking forever. Sometimes, when the urge to smoke is strong, simply taking a walk or talking with a non-smoking friend can help. When the body’s reaction to smoking cessation produces irritability, anxiety, or even depression, it can really make a difference to be surrounded by caring people who know how important it is to stop smoking forever. That kind of support can make all the difference.