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Why You Should Not be Smoking


Everyone knows that smoking is bad for them and that they should not be doing it, but millions of people around the world do it anyway. If you are a smoker, you should really take the time to learn more about smoking, so that you can see just how bad it is for you and learn about all the different reasons as to why you should not be smoking, and why you should quit smoking now.

If you ask yourself why you should give up smoking just take a look at the risks and costs of continuing to smoke. First you should know that 22% of all male deaths are due to smoking and 11% of all female deaths have the same cause. Narrowed and hardened arteries, cold hands and feet, weakened bones, peripheral vascular disease, cold skin, osteoporoses and decreased fitness are just a few smoking effects, but the risk of developing smoking related illnesses can be reduced by giving up smoking.


What Smoking Does to Your Body
Smoking does a great deal to your body, some of which you are not even able to see because it is causing damage inside of your body as well. The most noticeable effects of smoking would be wrinkles and fine lines on the face, which especially among women is something that they never want to have to deal with but they will if they are a smoker.

It will also cause your skin to become very dry, and will stain your teeth. People who have been smokers for most of their life usually have very yellow, stained teeth and very bad breath, and even brushing their teeth on a regular basis is not going to be able to help enough with this.

In terms of the most frightening, long-term effects that can occur from you being a smoker, there are a few that are particularly scary, such as lung cancer. This is one of the most common health problems that smokers end up with, because of the tar that is in cigarettes and how it affects the lungs in the body, especially after years of constant smoking.


Chemicals in Tobacco Smoke
In tobacco smoke are over 4,000 chemicals like carbon monoxide which is a colourless, odourless gas that in large doses is lethal, but in smaller doses causes shortness of breath and increased heart rate.

Another harmful ingredient within cigarette smoke is hydrogen cyanide, a colourless gas that even with a short-term exposure can lead to vomiting, dizziness, headaches and nausea.

And let us not forget about nicotine, the reason why cigarettes are as addictive as they are (to give up smoking would be far easier if you didn’t have this little nasty in there!). In larger quantities nicotine is extremely poisonous; a person would die within minutes if you place 60g of pure nicotine on her/ his tongue.


Costs of Smoking
If you want to give up smoking, just think about the costs of smoking, and I am not just talking money, giving up can be a good idea. Besides the financial costs, smoking also has physical costs such as wheezing, reduced fertility, risky pregnancy, damaged circulation, damaged taste buds, nicotine-stained fingers, heart attack, lung cancer and the list goes on. And do not forget about the social costs like polluting the air with carcinogens, dusty and stuffy home, spoilt clothes and furniture, smoke gets in your eyes and so on.


How to Quit
The minute you give up smoking your body starts to recover; your circulation improves, you breathe more easily, your skin warms up, your risk of disease starts to fall, you will have a cleaner, fresher house, and you will be a lot richer!

Once you start to actually learn about what smoking does to your body and why it is so bad for you, it becomes much easier to take that first step and want to quit. Fortunately there are some great stop smoking aids that are available today, if you are unable to do it cold turkey. Just remember that cold turkey is always going to be the best way, even though it is very much the hardest as well.

If you stop cold turkey, even though some people including doctors do not recommend it, you are going to be using a lot of willpower and are going to be a lot less likely to start smoking again in the future if you do it this way than if you start to just cut down bit by bit for instance.


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