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Non-Nicotine based tools to Quit Smoking


If one is using nicotine replacements like Nicotine Gums or Inhalers, then it may not be enough. You may require other medications to get rid of the habit. These medications, along with the nicotine replacements, will enhance your chances of quitting smoking successfully.

Zyban (Bupropion) is a popular medication used by smokers. The reduction in Nicotine intake or its partial withdrawal from body often causes one depression. In this depressed mind, he/she is likely to again go for a cigarette. Zyban helps one fight this depression. It is an antidepressant drug that helps brain fight those nicotine-craving chemicals in the body. Some studies show that Zyban used along with a nicotine replacement greatly helps one to quit smoking. If you are suffering from seizures, eating disorder or are heavily alcoholic, then studies suggest that one should not take Zyban. Pregnant women or breast-feeding mothers should also avoid taking Zyban. Such women should be careful while using any smoking quitting methods. In any case, you should consult your doctor before starting to take it.

Telephone based help
Many government organizations and non-profit institutions run Quit Smoking telephone services often called as Quitline. Specialists, on how to quit smoking, talk to smokers counseling them on way of quitting smoking. They help people avoid doing common mistakes while quitting smoking. These lines provide that critical human support often required boosting the confidence of the depressed smoker.

Telephone specialists can also help someone locate the right medical help or the right medication. Often this lines guide smokers to join support groups where one can freely talk to fellow mates looking to quit smoking.

Some experts suggest using acupuncture technique to quit smoking. Acupuncture involved inserting needles in certain specific spots on the body. This, as claimed by the acupuncture practitioners, help body regain its natural balance and enhance its self-healing capacity. This in turn helps one to resist the craving for smoking. However, there is no guarantee that this therapy would always be successful. It is pretty safe with no side effects. Some people may feel pain when the needles are inserted. But this is often temporary pain and subsides with time.

Smoking Deterrents
The market of quit smoking medication is filled with products, which claim to change the taste of tobacco thereby helping people to quit smoking. There are also available diets, which claim to curb the craving for smoking. However their effectiveness is not guaranteed and the effect could be different from person to person.

Article written by Rob Mellor


WEBMASTER'S WARNING: The above article is provided by an external source. While it is useful information, Quit Smoking Support and SmokingAloud.com does not necessarily agree with everything it contains.


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