Disturbing Smoking Trends
When Europeans first noticed indigenous islanders using tobacco and discovered it’s medicinal, calming uses they did not know this simple plant could cause so much destruction and disease in the coming hundreds of years.
The results of studies showing the dangers and horrible effects of tobacco can constantly be seen in news stories and in warnings from the government. Despite the publicity, people still smoke.
Recent surveys have shown that while some countries are seeing a decline in smoking, parts of the undeveloped and developing world are seeing an increase and rise in smoking as tobacco companies go where they are not restricted as much.
New figures show that throughout the world smoking contributes to premature death. Because of this, calls for smoking bans are taking hold in many countries, including the U.S. and the U.K.
Despite the horrible effects of smoking on smokers, tobacco companies continue to be allowed to operate in and cultivate tobacco in the U.S. The money trail speaks for itself. Tobacco companies make big money. Capitalism rules and lives are harmed as a result.
But we cannot change this. Tobacco companies will probably never be stopped. Therefore, if you are hooked, you need to make the choice to quit yourself, before your life and health get worse.