Online Program To Stop Smoking Cold Turkey
Sometimes, it almost seems as if there is a stop smoking industry that’s almost as big as the tobacco industry. There are more choices and state stop smoking programs to help you quit smoking than ever before. Many people have successfully quit smoking through the use of an online program to stop smoking. Many other people have successfully quit smoking by going cold turkey (suddenly stopping and never smoking again). Now, there is an online program to stop smoking by the cold turkey method called WhyQuit.
Advantages For WhyQuit
WhyQuit online program to stop smoking is available on the web 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You go through a series of videos, articles and true medical case histories of people with smoking-related diseases to help give you the tenacity to help quit. They do ask that you have been nicotine free for 72 hours, but no one enforces that. Cold turkey means no use of nicotine replacement therapies such as the patch, gum or inhaler.
WhyQuit also has one of the most comprehensive list of links for smoking cessation support groups and articles on the web. They are geared to the cold turkey approach to quitting smoking, so you won’t see much of anything about the use of nicotine replacement therapies.
There are also some really graphic images about the internal organs of smokers as compared to how the healthy organs look like. Although they might seem shocking, they can be the kick in the pants you need to keep with an online program to stop smoking. And one other advantage to WhyQuit – it’s free.
The Cost Of Smoking Index
If the physical effects of smoking aren’t enough to keep you on any online stop smoking program, then you should take a look at a brilliant section on WhyQuit entitled “The Real Cost of Smoking”. You can see just how you’ve been wasting your money and lining the pockets of fat cats in the tobacco industry.
Paying yourself not to smoke is recommended by many online programs to stop smoking. All you do is put your smoking money in a jar, envelope or savings account. You can even put your beer money in there too, if you always have to have a beer or other alcoholic beverage while smoking. In just a few months, you will be amazed at the amount of money you have. Treat yourself to a vacation or a concert.