Does Propecia Help You Quit Smoking?
Propecia is a drug used in treating male pattern baldness. It acts as a blocker in the conversion process of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone, assumed to be responsible in developing hair loss problem in men. For some time, there have been rumors that use of Propecia helps you quit smoking. Since Propecia may cause birth defects, it is only recommended for men to handle, whether for baldness or for the rumored effect to curb your smoking cravings. Is this rumor true?
What Is It?
Propecia is recommended to men over 18 years of age. The main purpose of this medication is to combat against hair loss from progressing and to retain the quality of remaining hair. It is found to be effective in treating progressive hair loss. The side-effects of Propecia are very common, and typically disappear with time as the treatment prolongs.
However, you should not take Propecia to quit the smoking habit, but if you are suffering from smoking-caused baldness, it may be of help. Administration of Propecia must not exceed 1mg on a daily basis without any exceptions. However, many individuals recommend taking a custom dosing, but it doesn’t really offer any help.
Smoking And Hair Loss
There is no possible relationship between Propecia and quitting smoking. It is only intended for men use in treating male pattern baldness. In recent years different medical studies suggest that smoking may result in baldness if you carry the gene causing hair loss. It is said that smoking in combination with a bald gene contributes to toxin formation in the blood vessels, leading to scalp follicles aggravating the hair loss problem. But in such a case even no help is seen from Propecia to quit smoking. It may work effectively for treating baldness in men, but it offers no help in smoking cessation.
Indirect Relationship
Some scientific studies argue that smoking may promote male pattern baldness by enhancing the production of androgen hormones such as testosterone and DHEAS. Smoking may also be related with destroying scalp cells responsible for producing hair fiber. In such cases, Propecia is used to bring balance in hormonal production so that hair loss problems can be alleviated. This means if smoking does the damage, Propecia offers a certain degree of recovery. But if a smoker is on Propecia, it is high time for him to consider smoking cessation. However, you can not count on Propecia to quit your smoking habit. You still need your will power. Talk to your doctor for better alternatives.